Pumpkin Carving Day

Today was a day that Jack, Sophie and Derek have been looking forward to all month. Pumpkin carving day. We took the kids to the store and let them pick out their pumpkins, which took about 45 minutes as they climbed over the pumpkins on the stacks of hay to find the right one. That was fun to watch! Then on to Bahama Bucks to try out their shaved ice desserts. It just opened up in town this week, also a highlight of the day. Then back home to begin carving the pumpkins, each of the kids designed their own, with a pen then I cut them out. Derek became preoccupied with the Tech and UT football game, so his pumpkin is still awaiting his design, he wants a football player pumpkin, don't have any idea how we are going to put that together. Jack wanted a scary dracula pumpkin and Sophie wanted a bride, so we had fun with that all afternoon. I love the picture of Sophie and Jack and the rabbit ears, 6 year old twins are so much fun (especially as compared to 6 week old twins), they are great friends.


Anonymous said…
Dear Tammy,

I've begun to recover from my week and a half in Asheville and went online this morning to "catch up." What a treasure you had waiting for me-- your comments before and after the MRI, the pictures, your mind-boggling faith. I cry as I read. I'm so thankful that the chemo is working... it was hard to dare to hope so much after the disappointment of that last MRI. God's ways are just so surprising.

But even beyond that, the tears are from listening to the way you are walking with God through all this, closer and closer, at the same time that you are so honest with us about how it all feels. I've realized I need to print out these posts so I can more easily reread them on a regular basis. I know I need to be learning the things you have learned. These messages from you give us the news about Jack, and go beyond that, too.

Bless you for your faith and your willingness to share your journey. I'm sure you've thought about yet another blessing from these posts-- you will always have this record of your day-by-day journey. Who knows what good God will continue to do, even in the future, with what you have written.

Much love,

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