Dr. Daisy Allen

I was taking pictures last night of a senior and the location we used was a home out by Lawn. The owner of the home also owned the property next door which was previously owned by the first woman in the state of Texas that graduated from medical school and practiced as a Dr. It was very cool to be there and take some pictures around it. We were not visited by the porcupine which apparently lives under the house, which I guess is a good thing. We were however mindful of the fact that little pokey pines could shoot out from under the home at any time.
In sociology we have been studying those who are the dominant culture, and those who are not. One fact we learned was that even though there are more women in the United States men are considered the dominant culture. I have always heard that women get paid less than men for the same job, but never really gave it a lot of thought. I don't want to get into a discussion on my blog about the rights and wrongs of it all. But becoming aware of how difficult is has been for women to make their mark and be taken seriously in the workplace has made me think of things differently. I certainly have more respect for women who have gone against the norms of the culture and pursued jobs that have been typically dominated by males. So when I was on this property last night, and thought about the first woman in Texas who went to medical school, Dr. Daisy Allen, it was a very meaningful experience. I googled Dr. Allen and read a bit about her, and saw that at first she was turned down from attending medical school because she was a woman, but she appealed because there was no where on the application that stated that women could not attend. She was allowed in and graduated 2nd in a class of 17. Go Dr. Daisy!!!


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I am just fad up with my work but when I read your blog I felt very peaceful. Your images look nice.
Unknown said…
Go, Dr. Daisy! I've been studying a LOT about women (especially in regards to the roles we play in the church) lately. It's always inspirational to think about the pioneers in womens' liberation have accomplished and how much of it I take for granted.

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