
This morning we were getting ready for school and Jack peered through the curtains in the living room which look out to our front yard, and said, "Somebody decorated our tree with toilet paper!!!" The tone of his voice was more in line with the decoration of our Christmas Tree, it was beautiful. I immediately smiled and thought to myself of the women (not kids, but women), I know exactly who they are, decorated my tree with toilet paper late last night. It was Bunko night last night, for those of you who have not heard of bunko it is a reason to get 12 women together to laugh, fellowship and encourage each other, it is a dice game. Some people refer to it as the Christian women's alternative to gambling. Don't believe what they say, it isn't gambling, it is just clean fun. Anyway, at Bunko I needed a ride home and the gals who I coffee with during the week were all in their black clothes ready to decorate trees after bunko. I found another kind soul to give me a ride home because I was worn out. Too tired to think about decorating the trees of women I adore. (It is always a sign of affection, with this group.) So Nora gave me a ride home and I went to bed. I have to admit there was a twinkle of a thought that because I punked out and didn't go with them that they might take revenge on me and toilet paper my lone tree. I even thought of leaving the curtains open and turning on the front porch light, but dismissed this feeling to unneccessary paranoia. So to some of my favorite women who walk the earth, who encourage me with their friendship, who have helped me in my walk with the Lord, who never forsake me.....just wait your tree could be decorated at a very unsuspecting moment, because I love you all so.