First Week of School - A Fait de Complet

Today is Friday and we have completed our first week of back to school and our second chemo treatment. One of those events could wear me out, two together definately make me ready for the weekend. Jack has enjoyed being in school, I am learning that days 2 and 3 after chemotherapy might be the hardest days for him. The ebbs and flow of the nausea are not easy to figure out without some trial and error. Zofran which is the anti-nausea drug Jack is on every 4 hours keeps him from feeling sick, so well in fact, that I thought he didn't need dosed after the first 36 hours. Big mistake, it is only an illusion that he wouldn't be sick, the Zofran does it's job well. Thank you God for Zofran. Needless to say, Jack was pretty sick yesterday when he woke up, I gave him a dose of the Zofran a.s.a.p., but he never really got back to feeling good. I went ahead and took him to school once he felt well enough and after breakfast, he wanted to go, and I think that school is a great way for him to not focus on how yucky he feels. At 1:30 I heard from the school nurse and she said that Jack was reporting he had a sore throat. I had figured out that when Jack is complaining of a sore throat he really means he has jaw pain, which is a side effect of the vincristine chemo drug. By the time tylenol would kick in it would have been after school, so I went and picked him up and we had a nice hour together before picking up Derek and Sophie.
Saturday we have a follow up appointment with Dr. Moody who comes to Abilene one Saturday a month. He is the opthamologist that performed Jack's eye surgery a couple of weeks ago. Jack's eyes look great. They are barely bloodshot anymore and they are straight again.
Next week our chemotherapy appointment moves to Wednesday, so they will be edging us to a permanent Thursday day. That will be great for Jack because by Monday he should be ready for 3 and a half good days of school each week.
How is our family doing with all of this?
We are doing well. Derek and Sophie are compassionate to Jack and even though there are typical sibling disagreements, all in all they are looking out for him. Sophie is his twin, she looks after Jack and is concerned for him. Jack does not like taking all of his medications, and vitamins, so every now and then he has a meltdown (atleast once a day), but one day it was particularly dramatic and he was lying on the floor, crying big tears, and tearing our hearts out. Sophie went and got her special silk blanky and layed it on Jack's hands with tears in her eyes. She said, "Here Jack hold on to this it will make you feel better." Little did my mom know before she died 5 years ago, when she made Sophie that blanket, that it would be an offering from one of her grandchildren to the other.
We all do everything we can to make Jack feel better, and I know it helps, but the hard truth is - it is happening to Jack, and when it comes right down to it, it is he who has to deal with it, that is alot for my sweet 6 year old boy. God will use all that Jack has gone and is going through in his life, he will be stronger for it, he will have extra compassion for sick children, I can already see the way it is molding him.
Rob and I are holding on tight to each other. I think that serious illness can cause, and many times does cause trouble in a marriage, but this is where I am on my knees thanking God for the man he sent me. Rob is calm, loving, compassionate, he is not quick to anger, and not easily frustrated (or atleast he hides it well). He is a rock in our family, he loves the Lord and spends time in God's word every day, he is a man of prayer. He honors me and makes me feel like I am so special to him. So we are holding on tight to each other, our kids, our family, church family and friends, and claiming the love of Jesus to direct us through this time.
God bless each one of you who pray for us. I have said this many times, but with all of ya'll in our corner we feel like we have the best support group ever.


Anonymous said…
oh, wow, Tammy!! I keyboard this with Jack's bracelet on my arm and some tears. That blanket is a treaure along with the overwhelming love which seems to accompany it.

Just want you to know prayers are coming from Christ Covenant Church in Beaumont as well as from your Beaumont family. We love y'all. Keep doing what you are doing...hold tight to HIS hand. Godly husbands are a treasure beyond any measure (groan! with the poetry!); it is so true.

May you FEEL HIS presence today!


tom and dixie
Anonymous said…
dear marcelain gang,
just checking in on the jack report... letting you know we are still here, still praying fervently!!!! and still loving you loads...BIG SLOPPY KISSES for all 5 of you XXXXX

happy belated 10 years and bday rob! we love you jeff, lisa & jude
Anonymous said…

I just got big tears in my eyes as I read all that! God is not only molding Jack, he's molding you, Rob, Derek & Sophie for something bigger that we just can't see right now. You're an encouragement to me! Your faith is strong and your love for your family so beautiful. I'm so glad you all have each other!! How blessed you all are, and we for knowing you. I hope you know we continue to lift Jack and your entire family up in prayer every single day. I hope you feel our hugs & love! The Boone Family
Anonymous said…
You keep taking one step at a time, in each carrying a hundred pound weight, yet you do it with such sweet grace-- God's grace, yet also your grace reflecting His. I'm so thankful for the blessings that accompany all this difficulty-- the fact that the Zofran helps so much, your and Rob's strong relationship, the compassion of Jack's siblings... all.
We will just keep praying and God will keep weaving unpredictable blessings into the fabric of your heartaches.
Much love, Gay
Anonymous said…
Keep going strong, Marcelain family! Prayers just continue to pour out for you and will not cease!
Anonymous said…
Jack is lucky boy to have such a loving family and wonderful parents who love each other! Sophie offering her special blanket really touched my heart. Your sweet Jack and your whole family are in our daily prayers! We love you, Howard & Jacki
Anonymous said…
Tammy and Jack & all:

We lifted Jack and Tammy especially in prayer yesterday (8/23) for chemo and today for the "day after". Jack, your name is spoken to God right along with Keely, Kylie and that is HIGH honors from D'mom and Papa Tom.

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