Friends are leaving on a jet plane, prayers lifted at 10:02am

Sunday afternoon. I just saw a "tweet" from a friend of ours who will be leaving on a jet plane with his family tomorrow to head back to his home country to begin a lifetime of mission work on his home soil. The thing is about this family is that from the moment that they found Christ they have been missionaries for the cause of Christ everywhere they have gone. They are joined by some other dynamic Christ followers who have like this family been on the mission field from the moment they proclaimed Christ as their Savior. They will be living life and walking the journey keeping their eyes open for others who want Christ but don't know very much about Him, or maybe nothing at all. To look into the eyes of any one of these men/women on the missionary team is like looking into the eyes of Christ. The love they have for others through Christ is so apparent it is almost tangible. I wish them all well, Godspeed.
I was at a send-off weekend last week to celebrate this missionary team and the weekend was full of the Spirit. It was a precious time to encourage and shed a few tears as I have grown to love this family. While we were listening to some information on mission work at 10:02am many people's cell alarms went off. This was their reminder to pray for the harvest. Or in my words to pray for the missionaries around the world and for those who want Christ to be a part of their lives but do not know Him yet. A couple of days passed after the 10:02am alarms and I thought that I would also set my alarm on my phone to pray specifically for my friends who are headed to their mission field and also our sweet friends who are missionaries in Hawaii. I also include a general prayer for all missionaries, but I speak the names of my friends. This has been a sweet blessing to me. I know that each one of those names are heard and thank God for His provision and faithfulness in their lives.
Why 10:02? Some people choose the a.m. and some the p.m. But the 10:02 specifically refers to Luke 10:2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
I took this picture above of one of the prayer stations at the send off last weekend for the missionary team. Each person/family had a station dedicated to them where we could all spend time in prayer for them, write a note, or a scripture down and stick it on the wall next to their picture so they could always have the reminders of those who are lifting them in prayer and encouraging them from what will be a far. I think of these prayer stations often, and each morning when my alarm goes off at 10:02 I feel like I am back at the prayer stations writing my note and saying my prayer all over again.
Do you know some missionaries or believe in the Cause enough to pray for them? 10:02...