Traveling Coffee Group

It has been a slow week for posting, sorry about that. Slow because I have had a busy week, and because nothing weird, crazy, funny, or any changes in Jack's health has happened. Those kind of weeks are few and far between. Jack did have a port flush yesterday, he has gotten to dread those. When the routine was to be stuck with a needle every week, he never dreaded it. Now that it is just once every 4-6 weeks he is not so used to it so it is a bit more traumatic to him.
I have 2 hours to get ready, pack and finish typing my talk on the computer for "The Coffee Groups" first out of town speaking engagement for a church in Temple, TX. We will be staying in Cauldwell at a retreat area. Crazy has been happening all around the women in the part of the group this week, so it will be nice for all 5 of us to load into Judy's car and head out together. We will be back tomorrow night. As I was telling the kids goodbye this morning Derek told me that Dad always takes them to fun places when I am gone. Here is hoping we all have a good weekend, and that God shines bright.

In studying yesterday I found this scripture that I love.
"They are not just idle words for you - they are your life." Deut. 32:47


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