Cardboard Testimonies Rocked The Mom's

Just returned home from Rockin' Moms which takes place the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Rockin Mom's is an outreach program that takes place at City Light which is a ministry of First Baptist Church.

I really love attending and helping out. I really don't do much but make up name tags for the ladies as they come in and welcome them. I love meeting people who I wouldn't necessarily meet in my normal routine. This ministry gives women a place to belong, City Lights serves the homeless and low income of Abilene.

Several months ago my home congregation Southern Hills did Cardboard Testimonies, it was such a powerful and emotional time to witness people share where God has brought them from. From drugs to drug free, depressed to joyous, afraid to many different testimonies. The Lord reminded me of the Cardboard Testimonies when I was visiting with Maura who works with City Lights and Rockin' Moms. I emailed her the links to where she could watch them on line. I didn't know if she would be interested in trying it at Rockin Mom's, but she was willing to give it a try. Many of the workers and volunteers were doubtful that this group of women would be open enough to share where they have been and the victory of where they are now because of Christ.

It never dawned on me to be concerned about participation, I knew God would touch the hearts of the women He wanted to testify with their own piece of cardboard (or in our case, construction paper). I didn't really plan out what I would say, I believed that the Spirit would be in control and if this night would be successful that it would be only because of the plan God has, not because I would have the right thing to say. I prayed God would give me His words tonight. I shared a little about what a Cardboard Testimony was and then shared mine with them. My cardboard testimony had my struggle with drugs on one side and then the other drug free and totally in love with Jesus. I knew that this testimony would be one that many of them would relate to from their own past or through those they love....the women cheered for Jesus when they read what God had done for me. Then one after another the women started writing their own testimonies, I don't know how many testified but it was a lot. The testimonies ranged from depression, drugs, physically beaten in relationships, fear, then the flip side was their deliverance. Some women just took the microphone and testified about major struggles in their lives, one being homeless and lonely to another who was given peace through a child's illness. Each time someone shared their testimony the other women would hoot and holler and clap praising God.

After all was said and done many had tears in their eyes, and I know the presence of the Lord was thick, and God was smiling. His beloved children were sharing the miracle of transformation in their lives, because of His love and forgiveness.

When we allow God to shine He does so mightily, and His love was so bright tonight I am sure that there was a glow about City Lights. I am grateful to serve a Risen Savior. I love Him so.

Click here to see a Cardboard Testimony.


Whitney said…
So powerful! Thanks for sharing with us and them!
Unknown said…
oooo... I have goosebumps. Thanks for sharing.

P.S. Did you know that everytime I load your page twitter asks me for a password? How can I get this to stop interrupting my path to my favorite blog?
Anonymous said…
LOVE THIS STORY!!! This is what we need to be about more and more. We do have something to celebrate!


Sharon Winkler

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