Meet Akitini our new friend.
Akitini Stella
Birthday: February 25, 2002
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Region: Africa
Country: Uganda
Program: Buteba 'A' Child Development Center
Personal and Family Information:
Akitini lives with her grandmother. Her grandmother is employed as a farmer. Akitini works at home carrying water, gathering firewood and making beds. There are 3 children in the family.
Akitini is not presently attending school. Telling stories, playing house and walking are her favorite activities. She also attends church activities regularly.
Please remember Akitini in your prayers. Your love and support will help her to receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.
I found our new friend that our family will sponsor. Her name is Akitini. All of her info is above. I am so excited to add her to our prayer list. I know that once my kids come home from school and I show them Akitini she will be in their prayers from this day on. Sophie is truly a prayer warrior with a heart for the lost, each night she prays for the children of Mexico to learn about Jesus and for Jack, along with her other concerns. She takes everything to the Lord in prayer. I am so blessed by her heart to speak to Jesus about what is on her heart. I look forward to our family writing Akitini in a land that is so distant in miles and in day to day life.
Read Phil's blog here.
Click here to go to Compassion International to look at the faces of children who need sponsors.
I have been sponsering a girl, Leah, at the Buteba A Child Development Center also. I was searching the internet for Buteba, Uganda in order to find out more about her community and your blog was one of the sites that came up. I decided to sponser her during the Uganda Blog trip. So far I have received two letters from Leah. What have you received? I hope to get to know her better with time, but I am impatient and that is why I was searching for more info. I wonder if our girls know each other?