Meet Oreo Cookies and Cream Marcelain
Oreo is his first name, Cookies and Cream the middle. All 3 kids pitched in together and bought this little rodent creature about a week and a half ago. He is a panda hamster. I can't say that I love this creature although it is pretty cute, the kids really wanted a hamster and they spent their birthday money and allowance to make their wish come true. They are in charge of taking care of him 100%, no ifs ands or buts about it.
The pet store warned us that hamsters were nocturnal and that we would probably get used to the scurrying around at night. The kids bought a cage that has this really cool wheel that sets on the top of the cage, the hamster climbs a cute slide and runs in the wheel ALL NIGHT LONG. The hamster really isn't as loud as the contraption that he is running in. So we have worked out a routine that the hamster moves to the kitchen table each night. Then in the morning back to the boys room he goes, then I sterilize everything around the cage.
Hamsters are very messy creatures.
I am happy for my kids, they love little Oreo.
Snickers our Dachshund has no opinion whatsoever about Oreo. Hasn't barked at him, or even given him a sneer. I guess Snickers knows she rules the roost. The kids keep assuring Snickers that they love her, even though there is another pet in the house now.