Fearless Giveaway!!!
I bought my copy of Fearless a month or two ago, just after it was released. Yesterday, I received a copy in the mail from a conference I had helped out with last month. So what will I do with the second copy? Give it away of course. Max Lucado books are always chock full of great stories and scripture. This book helps us focus on God's plan for our lives, the most common command in scripture: Do Not Fear...280 times I think, going by memory here. How would it feel to embrace the adventure God has put in front of you and not allow fear the final word.
So how do you put your name in the pot for the book?
Who do you know that faces fear with bravery? It could be someone who is alive or who has died. A martyr, or a family member, a founding father, a bible character, political character. Who inspires you?
List a name and it can be that simple or you can tell me about why that person inspires you.
I will select a random winner on Monday morning 10/26/09. Once the winner is selected then I will announce it on my blog and you can email me with your mailing address.
I would have said you, but seeing as how it's your blog and your giveaway I thought people might think I was brown-nosing too much. ;) But you do, Tammy. You have faced so much fear by standing with your feet planted, staring it in the eyes, as if to say "I double dog dare you to take one step closer."
So did Daniel.
He's faced down addiction, and now he's bravely tackling really serious health problems...the kind that would make other people quake in their shoes.
God bless Lloyd. (God, please heal Lloyd!)
Jana Beck