Mish Mash

Loved this on Denise's blog yesterday.
I am celebrating my good friend Sarah's birthday this morning with our little coffee group of friends. Can't wait.
2 shoots today, I am heading out to DRI to take some pictures of a picnic on the lawn. I can't wait.
Then tonight I am taking pictures of some friends and their kiddo's at their house.
If you haven't listened to the author of The Shack, Paul Young's little blurb in my previous post on The Shack it is very interesting. He was the child of missionaries growing up in a time where on occasion kids were put aside for the Great Commission. One thing I often hear from PK's (preacher's kids) is that the church always came first. This isn't a comment about that at all, I can only guess how difficult it is to have a congregation who "expects" you to be at their beck and call and small children who need their daddy. It is sad what I have witnessed as a church secretary many moons ago about how the patrons of a church feel like they have the right to the preacher no matter what time of night or day it is, sometimes for emergencies which is understandable, but most of the time to gripe. That last part might have been more of a comment.
Today's the last day to comment on what you like on your toast. Once again tried to link to my OWN blog and I am apparently still doing it wrong. It is two posts back, Kung Fu Fighting and a Contest is the title. Sorry, I am slightly inept, although I am thinking that it might be a browser issue. Next time I might log out of Safari and log into Firefox and give it a try. I bought the book yesterday and I will be ready to mail it out once I draw a name out of the hat.


Sarah said…
Happy birthday to me! Have I mentioned that I'm still in my 30's? :-) I am...! I think I'll try to say that 500 more times in the 363 days that it is still true! I had a wonderful coffee-celebration with my friends!

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