Blessed Redeemer Of My Soul

Thursday lunch time.  I just arrived home from the HBO then the grocery store and am currently looking at my surroundings which desperately need some TLC, so in an attempt to have 5 minutes of just hanging out I steeped myself a cup of loose leaf tea and thought I would say hello.

Jack is doing well with HBO, couple more weeks on this prescription of treatments. Don't know if they will add more or not.  His eye surgery and port removal were rescheduled for December 18th, so off to Dallas we go that week.  I am so happy that it worked out he will have the Christmas holiday's to recover fully before school starts back up in the New Year.  Hooray for that.

December is my most favorite month.  I love it.  I love the hustle and bustle, I love the Christmas decorations, I love the music and most of all I love that it is a month that points towards the birth of our Savior.  That makes me teary just writing it.  A day specifically set aside in the Christian faith to remember that there was once a time when the Lord chose His son to walk this earth to save us from ourselves, partake in our sufferings, and best of all to give us Hope that only comes from Jesus.  There was once a young mom named Mary who held a helpless babe in her arms, she kept Him warm, she nurtured Him, she loved Him, she was the mother of Jesus, so blessed.  Because of Jesus we are kept warm in heart, we are nurtured and we are loved.  Blessed Redemeer, not a day will go by in this month or any month that I am not humbled that for me you were born, for my benefit you walked the earth and faced love and hate, and for my sin's you allowed yourself to be crucified, so that on earth each day my heart can be transformed to look a bit more like yours, and that one day we may walk together in Heaven.  Jesus is the greatest Gift given to save the world.  You and me.


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