Great MRI, and Great Reverse Offering Stories

Thursday night. Jack and I arrived home from Dallas today happy as 2 pea's in a pod. Jack's results were great, no change from the last MRI, NO TUMOR. I can't really even explain how I have felt while walking away after hearing that news, twice now. It is almost surreal. I used to say that when Jack was diagnosed we just found a new normal, that normal included lots of doctor visits, trips to Dallas, Emla cream, chemo, gamma knife, steroids,...that was our normal for 3 years. I do believe it is time for me to begin a new normal again. I think that life is always providing bumps in the road, as long as I am flexible and will adjust to whatever speed bump or large boulders are currently knocking at my door, then life is good. It has just been the times that I have looked back to before the bump and wished for how things used to be, especially with Jack's health, those times have been much more challenging than just facing where we are this current day and moving on from there.

Jack's illness has taught me in a huge way to just be content. Not wishing for this or that, but to find peace with my circumstances. I am so grateful to God for that, because it has been a journey.

Praising God for His continued faithfulness.

I wrote briefly a week or so ago about a fun event our church planned out. 85 envelopes were filled with different amounts of money, then 85 volunteers were asked to participate. The plan was to take the envelope given to you and then bless someone with the money enclosed. It was so totally fun. We still have our envelope, I told one of our minister's that I was waiting for some divine leading on where it should go, I think I got the nudge today and am excited to send it on it's way. The cool part of this post, is that people are submitting the stories behind their reverse offerings and handing out the money in their envelopes. If you click on Reverse Offering you can read them too! God is working through His people.


Wife of Rob said…

Thank you for your transparency. Thank you for making illness real, but yet "not out of His grip". I have lots to share over the next few months over at my blog. But, blogs like yours are what inspire me to want to tell the story of me and "my Rob", and all that it entails. God is so good to both of faithful. Keep up the wonderful posts...and stay tuned for mine. I'm just getting "cranked up".

Your Sister in Christ

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