Closed For Bad Weather

From the book Walking With God by John Eldredge. He is writing about the first day of his vacation in a cabin in the mountains.

Slowing Down to Listen.
"I'm sitting on the porch of our cabin listening to the rain on the tin roof and watching it fall on all my plans for the day. I cannot hike. I cannot do chores. I cannot fish. the mud is so deep, I cannot drive anywhere. I'm trapped. Pinned down. With myself and God. There is nothing I can do but pay attention to what surfaces inside of me when I cannot charge into the day. I am paying attention...
This rain is a mercy."

Todays icey weather reminded me of this chapter, when there are things to do, and places to go, a day of life that comes to an abrupt halt because of bad weather. This ice is a mercy.


We are all home today. The kids schools were closed and Rob's work was closed. So we are enjoying our warm house and I am glad I went to the grocery store yesterday so we have food to eat ; )

All the kids are coughing, so this is a day for their bodies to recoup and stay warm.

On this cold day, may God's love shine bright and warm you up from the inside out.


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