Familiar Faces
My Father In Law sent this pic tonight along with the words below. He works in Kyrgystan, so the original message is in Russian then translated to English. Thought it would be fun to leave in the original wording. If you click on this pic it will enlarge for you to see it properly. Enjoy
Здесь более ста известных людей. Если назовете минимум 25, то можете считать себя образованным...
а оформление-то какое !!! Красиво!!
There are more than 100 world known personalities on this painting. If you can name a minimum of 25, you may consider yourself a cultivated person
Good luck.
Здесь более ста известных людей. Если назовете минимум 25, то можете считать себя образованным...
а оформление-то какое !!! Красиво!!
There are more than 100 world known personalities on this painting. If you can name a minimum of 25, you may consider yourself a cultivated person
Good luck.
