Tuesday evening (from Rob)
Dear Family,
I'm not sure there will ever be enough words or time to thank you all for all that you have done. In the lowest of times we only have to come here and feel your love. Know that it has carried us through many times.
To be a part of such love is so amazing it really opens your eyes to the big picture of what God wants for His children. You have given us a glimpse of heaven and I will never forget it, why more people wouldn't want to be a part ot this is beyond me.
We just gave Jack his first shower and I think the water may have woken him up a bit. He tried taking several steps. They were wobly, uneasy steps but they were steps and we were thrilled. Now we would like to see that smile back.
Now that we are no longer in ICU we are able to put cards up on the wall so we spent some time doing that this morning. We got tired before they were all put up. That is yet another display of all the love we have recieved.
We have heard wonderful things reports on We are the Sermon. I'm not surprised. You've been pracitcing all week.
Much love,
Rob Marcelain.
5/3/2005 7:36 PM
I'm not sure there will ever be enough words or time to thank you all for all that you have done. In the lowest of times we only have to come here and feel your love. Know that it has carried us through many times.
To be a part of such love is so amazing it really opens your eyes to the big picture of what God wants for His children. You have given us a glimpse of heaven and I will never forget it, why more people wouldn't want to be a part ot this is beyond me.
We just gave Jack his first shower and I think the water may have woken him up a bit. He tried taking several steps. They were wobly, uneasy steps but they were steps and we were thrilled. Now we would like to see that smile back.
Now that we are no longer in ICU we are able to put cards up on the wall so we spent some time doing that this morning. We got tired before they were all put up. That is yet another display of all the love we have recieved.
We have heard wonderful things reports on We are the Sermon. I'm not surprised. You've been pracitcing all week.
Much love,
Rob Marcelain.
5/3/2005 7:36 PM
I hope that Jack continues to recover well, an dis soon back to his noraml boisterous self.
I've got tears in my eyes....sorry to learn of this so late, been away from the office for awhile....I do hope and pray that Jack recovers from the op and is restored to full health soon.
We have much to be grateful for, knowing that in a First world country, the little guy will get world class medical treatment.
best regards....and you too will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Kevin Wright
Cape Town
South Africa
Tears of joy filled my eyes as I read about your trip to see the train. I can just imagine the thrill that each of you felt. And now a shower! Hopefully the smile will come tomorrow.
Hang in there, buddy,
Love and prayers,
Showers and trains and head straws, oh my! What will happen tomorrow? Praying for you all the time
I'm so glad to hear that you had a chance to get out of your room today. Our prayers have been with you and your family and we will continue to keep you close in our thoughts and prayers. We love you so much.
Julie & Dave
I know you are aware of all of the prayers and thoughts that are being sent your way. I get daily e-mails and phone-calls asking "How's Jack?" from people who've never met him. They just know that I love you guys and that you love him, and so they do, too.
I'm just so sad that you are having to go through this, and the fact that you are SUCH an inspiration to me and so many others may be little consolation, but you must know that God promises to give you peace and that all things will come together for good FOR YOU (because you love him)!
(Now, to Tamara. What you are doing right now is an awesome gift to your brother and sister-in-law, neice, nephew and mom!!!! You are incredible. I have always been amazed at your generosity and selflessness. I've really never understood it, and you don't even realize how rare it is, because you don't see it in yourself. I love you and I so admire you and I will try to be more like you. You hang in there and keep doing what you're doing because your being in Abilene is allowing Jack to have his mommy and daddy and precious grandmother (don't really know how to spell Mommer) with him, while making sure that DJ and Sophie are with the very next best thing - Aunt Tamara who loves them so much and is keeping them safe and secure.)
I know that very soon you will all have Jack back to his very special self (and from the stories I've heard, he will be "stawving!!!"). That is my prayer and I will continue checking this web-site to pray for the specifics that you mention in your postings. You are all loved!!!!!!
Jo Odom
Just want you to know that you continue in our prayers. Tomorrow will be a week since that long Wednesday of waiting, and it already seems like forever ago. I suppose that we didn't know it was only the beginning of the waiting process. I am sorry for you and Jack that it is taking longer than we all hoped for. I can only imagine how you long to return to some normality and the daily routine with the family. May God bring it on quickly. And may God contimue to bless you with patience and endurance in the marathon that you are running. I pray for healing for Jack. I'm sorry for his frustrations. Who wouldn't be?!! I know I'd be grumpy if I couldn't talk or eat. I'm proud of y'all for your spirit of love and dependance on God. He is truly your strength and it is an example for us. Keep hanging in there.
Frances Green
My prayers to all of you that Jack,while moving at his own speed, gets well very soon and opens his beautiful blue eyes. We moms really love to see our children's eyes-and big smiles.
His doctor sounds like an amazing person as do all of you.
Jack and you will be in my prayers.
Luan Wagner
Barbara Russell
Rebecca Leggett
Where would we all be without this Blog!? Sarah - a thousand thanks go to you! I find that I cannot start my day or end it without first checking on Jack. I have become so much better at beginning and ending my day with prayer.
Karen Frazier
Sallye Ortiz
Please know you and Jack are in our thoughts and prayers. Your faith is inspirational! May God be with you and strengthen you in your trials. You can count on our prayers!
Janice and Rob Martinez
We continue to pray for Jack and all who are with him. I hope each day brings some sort of improvement in Jack's condition. Hang in there!
Love, Linda, Scooter, Brendan and Grace Ann
Jack has since seen the trains 3 more times since the last entry from me. One time happened to be at 3:30am this morning. He couldn't get comfy and was just having a hard time. So Rob and Jack and I, and all the equipment that travels along went to see the trains on a midnight stroll. The hospital was quiet and the trains were turned off for the night, but Jack still enjoyed getting out.
Today I think we are going to be scheduled for a swallow study. Jack will drink some funky red drink then the radiology people track that and see where and how his swallower is working. After that I think they will have a better idea about his capabilities to swallow.
pt will come today and hopefully we can be given the green light to let Jack practice walking officially. He is doing great, (unofficially). He likes to stand for a short time and take a couple steps, we are holding on to him at all times to steady him and keep him safe.
Last night I had cried out to God in my heart to give me direction and I got my Bible to seek His Word for an answer. The first page I randomly opened to was Psalm 19. In the first paragraph, I was assured that he had heard my plea. I wont try and quote it here because I don't want to mess up God's words, and misquote, but if you are curious look it up and see the answer God showed me.
Living in His Grace and Mercy.
My name is Tanner. I am 9 years old. I live in Gilbert,AZ. We have been praying for you everyday. I'm happy you got to see the trains!
God has been watching over you. I'm glad you got to take a couple steps! You are getting stronger everyday. I hope you get to go home
Love, Tanner Rhineheimer
It is awesome to hear the progress that Jack is making each new day even if it's not as speedy as we all want it to be - it's still progress - slow and steady. It is our prayer that Jack will soon be able to communicate with you the way he wants to and the way you so badly want him to. It's such a blessing that your spirits are so in tune with Jack that you can still communicate with him and put him at such comfort. I stole a hug from Sophie while in Mrs. Powell's class this morning. She was happy and cheerful as she started her morning. I will be sitting in for Mrs. P tomorrow as she goes to the teacher's luncheon. I will grab some more of those sweet hugs from Sophie. It's so humbling to see DJ and Sophie's great love for their sweet Jack and it is our prayer that they will be comforted with a peaceful understanding free from all worries. Please tell Jack that I am working on his book. I have made several revisions and added more pages. We are hopeful that we can get it published. So not only will he have a bracelet and a golf tournament named after him, but he will have his own book. Can't wait to show it to him! May the Lord continue to pour out his love and strenghth upon you all.
Love from Carla for the Hensons