From Rob

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and love. It has been a very humbling, amazing thing to witness how you all have responded to us. We want you to know that your love and prayers have been felt and has carried us through.I am several days behind in my reading of 40 Days, but the part that I am reading is about community and it's amazing to read about what God's ideal of church family is supposed to be, all the while we are experiencing it first hand. You all have been the sermon, and we have heard you loud and clear and love you for it.
4/29/2005 9:49 AM


Sarah said…
Rob -- you have our permission to miss a few days of your '40 Days' reading! (and you're still probably further along than me! :-)

Since I've been the sermon to you this week, do I get to skip yardwork on Sunday? Or maybe someone else needs my sermon? Guess I'll still do yardwork!

We love you all and are still praying. More than anything now for strength and stamina for your journey!
Anonymous said…
Hi Rob and Tammy,
We are on a mission here in Arizona to do what we can to make this easier for you. We have ordered silicone bracelets that we will be selling in Jacks honor. They will say THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE, and they will include his name. Unfortunately they will not arrive until the middle of May. You guys will be the first to receive them.

For those of you reading this if you would like to pre-order any of these bracelets e-mail me at

They come in 3 sizes and they will be navy blue. I am expecting to sell out very quickly. $5 minimum donation. Of course the proceeds will be sent to you and your family.

I hope you don't mind me using this website to get the word out, but I wanted your support group in Texas to have an opportunity to get bracelets.

I wish that we could be there with you to hold your hand through this all.

Give Jack a big kiss for us. We love you all so much.

Rob and Cari
aka Uncle Rob and Aunt Cari
Anonymous said…
Elaine, As I sit here holding our youngest GRANDdaughter I can only imagine your pain. You hurt for your son and even more for your GRANDson. A grandparent has double the pain because of our love for our own child and our grandchild. Trust that you, too, are being lifted up to God at this time as you are being a backbone for the rest of the family.

Rob and Tammy, you are so very loved. I can't imagine that some of those around you may be having to go through something similar without a support system or trust in God. You are being a testimony to them of what God does for His own.

Our prayers will continue. And thank you, both, for taking the time to keep us updated through Sarah. She has blessed all of us with this avenue of communication. In His love, Mary Sue

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