Twilight? Yes or No?
Who out there has read Twilight? I keep hearing raves about it from people who I generally have the same taste in books. I have NEVER been a fan of vampires since I slept over at my friends house, I think I was about 7 years old, and for some ridiculous reason the entertainment for the night was Count Dracula. I called my mom at midnight and told her I was afraid and wanted to come home. She told me to wake up my friends mom and tell her that I was coming home. I was too embarrassed to wake my friends mom up, so I begged and pleaded with my mom to call back and tell my friends mom that I must come home and that she would be right over to pick me up. A minute later the phone rang, and right after my friends mom came walking down the stairs to get me ready for my mom to pick me up. I got sick that night after I got home, and from then on I told people I was physically allergic to scary movies, they made me sick. I still pretty much stick with that allergic story, and could count on one hand the scary movies I have seen. Although there are some classic Hitchcock movies that I saw at the Paramount that I made it through without losing my lunch, and I think I have watched Bedroom Window, which was based on a Hitchcock classic, a couple of times. That is the extent of my scary movie repetoire and I still haven't watched another vampire movie, except for the Lost Boys. So help me out, tell me what you think.